Thursday, October 1, 2009


I think that the author's three essential points are actually somewhat obvious ideas, understand what your saying, why your saying it, and say it well.

In the case of our coming presentation, this means being interesting and attempting to take a different tactic while presenting as well as properly understanding the material. The most important bit is always to understand the material better than you are required to make the audience understand it.

Presenting and product design share a lot of common ground, both require a clear idea of the end goal and of the issues that surround achieving that end goal. Furthermore, the designing a presentation is similar to designing a product, because both require a measure of confidence, in presenting, and in designing a product boldly and not fearfully. Similarly, both products and presentations should be simple to understand and to explain, "the elevator test" works for both designs and ideas.

I think that the world of industrial and urban design are very interesting, as well as simply the area of consumer product design even if we are constantly covering it.

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